Last week Jamie had a mammogram; she was told that the tumor had shrunk significantly.
On Monday she had an MRI.
Today we meet with Jamie's oncologist and her surgeon, to get results of the MRI, and discuss what's next, as far as type of surgery (mastectomy or lumpectomy), and surgery date.
Jamie is really excited that the chemo is over. I am so proud of how she walked through it; it's been a difficult 6 months but she has shown amazing strength and determination.
Jamie is feeling pretty good, but has been dealing with neuropathy, which causes pain in her hands and feet. Hopefully that will subside as she gets further away from the chemo.
Her hair is starting to grow back, and we are excited as we move closer to the end of this healing journey.
Thank you to everyone who has given food and helped us out; it means a lot to have so many people supporting and encouraging us!