Monday, September 24, 2012

Looking good!

I'm sorry I haven't updated sooner.

Jamie had a second surgery a couple weeks ago, and the results were great. The surgeon said the edges on the five pieces of tissue he removed all looked clean.

That means that he believes he got all the cancer cells out.

Jamie will start radiation in a couple weeks; that's the last part of the treatment. So the end is very close, and Jamie is really excited.

She is back at work and doing great, although she is pretty tired and her feet hurt pretty badly when she gets home.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Surgery went well

Jamie's surgery went well today. Dr. Skinner had to dig a little deeper, taking some tissue from the muscle of her chest wall, so she was in some more pain afterward than she was last time.

But she came home tonight and had a good evening. She is sleeping.

We go back next week to get the pathology report, and to talk about the next step, 5 weeks of radiation.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Surgery Update

Please forgive me for not updating recently.

Jamie is doing well. She had surgery two weeks ago, and it looked good. Dr. Skinner, Jamie's surgeon, was pleased that the original tumor had shrunk significantly due to the chemo.

Dr. Skinner also removed a section of tissue containing lymph nodes from under Jamie's left arm. Tests showed that cancer cells were in only 2 of the 9 lymph nodes; which is a good sign.

Jamie has been recovering well. But the tests after the surgery showed that there were some cancer cells at the edge of some of the tissue they removed from her breast. So we are going in for a second surgery today to remove some more tissue, and hopefully removing any remaining cancer cells.

Jamie has a great attitude. She bounced back quickly after the surgery and is ready to get this one done. And her hair is growing back--really fast!

My mother is in town helping us out, and has been great.

Kids are ready to start school tomorrow.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!