Yesterday we met with Dr. Jafari, Jamie's oncologist.
He did not yet have results from Monday's biopsy, but that doesn't really affect the course we are laying out from here.
Jamie will start chemo, probably Feb. 22. The first round will be the more challenging of the two; she'll have treatment every other week for 8 weeks. Dr. Jafari said she will likely be pretty worn out and not feeling great for about five days after each treatment. He is hopeful that she can continue to work some during that time.
So the plan is for her to have treatment on Wednesday, rest completely Thursday through Sunday, and try to ease back into some short days at work during the week.
After that she will switch drugs and go every week for 12 weeks. Dr. Jafari said the recovery from those treatments is much shorter/easier.
That's a total of 20 weeks of chemo. After a 3-week recovery period, Jamie will have surgery--either a mastectomy or lumpectomy, depending on the biopsy results from Monday, and the success of the chemo.
After the surgery Jamie will likely have radiation treatments, but we are told that is the least difficult of the things she is facing.
We got some good news, in that Jamie does not carry a BRCA gene--a gene that could increase the likelihood of Ashley getting breast cancer one day.
Next week Jamie will get a port put in her chest, that's how the chemo drugs will go into her system.
From my perspective, Jamie seemed to be in very good spirits yesterday. I think having things more clearly laid out is good for her. She is a strong person, and will face the challenge head on.
I was not feeling well yesterday, so Jamie took over with the kids and let me go to bed early (Thanks, Honey!)
Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement and support!
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