Jamie starts chemo tomorrow (Wednesday). She seems to be doing well--not talking a lot about it. She is very strong and I think she is ready to move forward into this.
Jamie recently finished reading Cancer is a Funny Thing by Marie De Haan. Jamie's friend Bonnie gave it to her, and Jamie loved it. It sounds like Marie's cancer was very similar to Jamie's, and she shares openly about her journey.
It turns out Marie lives here in Skagit Valley--on the same street as Jamie's sister Linde and her family. And, Marie's best friend is the daughter of the couple that we rent our house from. Small world.
I emailed Marie last week and asked her to reach out to Jamie. She replied that same night and emailed Jamie. Hopefully they will connect soon.
Please pray for Jamie that she will have peace and strength tomorrow, that the side effects of chemo would be minimal, and that the chemo would be greatly effective at killing the cancer.
Thank you for your love and encouragement!
Praying for Jamie!